Sunday, November 4, 2007

#6 Week Number Six

Another rushed week of Learning 2! Three tasks:

1) Tagging.
Had a look at and set up an account. These could be useful -- but I think there will always be a management issue with Favourites/Bookmarks -- organising and keeping them up to date etc. Not sure why you'd want the "home" and "work" ones the same -- we do different things at work than home.

2) Technorati
Creating tags for Blogs. "Learning 2" had heaps more hits in Posts than Blogs (but this is because numerous Posts make up a Blog). Didn't find the Top Blogs and searches very interesting.

3) Library 2 and Web 2.
What does it mean to you? -- two words: "the future!" Read two articles.
"Away from the Icebergs"-- nothing that new here! Public libraries don't have "just in case collections" (space and budgets) -- more an academic library issue perhaps but I do believe academic libraries should be repositories for authoritative "knowledge". This is a core function of libraries. User education will always have some role -- people have different skills and learning abilities but it is essential that barriers to use are eliminated. I'm not convinced that we're in a "post-print" environment -- print is still here, we still do have books! and the PCs all have "printers" -- it's just that it now operates in conjunction with an online environment which is wonderful. For example, historical material is available online (but I do print it off!) Need to remember that not everybody has access cyberspace -- it's not quite as accessible and as egalitarian as some people would like to think!
"Into a new world of Librarianship" Good points -- i.e. don't create policies and procedures that impede access (though some items in some libraries need to be preserved -- making them available online is good access for rare/fragile material). No place for "Techno-Worship" but need to embrace users who use the Web 2 tools.

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