Thursday, October 25, 2007

#5 Fifth Week

This week I discovered that there is more than one lesson per week and it is going to take MUCH MUCH more time than an hour! More positively it is a lot of fun with lots of potential uses -- both personal and professional but I find it hard to believe that people would be doing ALL these things! Must have no lives, responsibilities, families or "real" friends!

  • Image generators -- didn't seem to work that well -- don't know how you edit them. I mean the birthday cake was for my Grandma's 100th (in January next) so the "16" candles weren't appropriate. The newspaper header I looked at seemed restrictive too -- couldn't seem to type in any words, just the words they let you.
  • Library Thing I think will be great! and I look forward to doing it properly -- from the brief look I had at it though it didn't seem great for Australian material (amazon and LC being record sources) -- is it possible to do original cataloguing? or is it limited to Tags?
  • Rollyo is another thing I can see great uses for -- the creation of subject specific search engines (only problem keeping them updated!) All time and practice, no doubt.

PS Does anyone actually read these posts? It's very boring when there are no comments! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Campbell Town

This photo is of the red brick bridge in Campbell Town where William worked on a "chain gang".

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

# 4 News (RSS) feeds

Set up two "feeds" on a Bloglines account. All these passwords are a bit much -- luckily I've got a good memory for ancestral maiden names!

With Sara's help managed to link them to my email (Outlook). Am looking forward to seeing how these work in reality -- there are lots of interesting things which could be subscribed to!

#3 Flickr (photo) lesson

This was lots of fun -- added a photo to flickr and uploaded one from flickr to my blog. I thought the flickr site had a lot to offer with a great variety of photos -- better than Google Image (?)

#2 Blogging

The blogging lesson was good. I think I already belong to a blog -- it's a family history one ("Myfamily") and by invitation only (there are several members). We upload photos and files to share -- also post news items etc.

#1 First lesson

The first lesson was quite good -- we were introduced to "Helen" -- listened via the podcast -- I think she has quite a soothing voice but some people found her a bit slow and annoying.