- Image generators -- didn't seem to work that well -- don't know how you edit them. I mean the birthday cake was for my Grandma's 100th (in January next) so the "16" candles weren't appropriate. The newspaper header I looked at seemed restrictive too -- couldn't seem to type in any words, just the words they let you.
- Library Thing I think will be great! and I look forward to doing it properly -- from the brief look I had at it though it didn't seem great for Australian material (amazon and LC being record sources) -- is it possible to do original cataloguing? or is it limited to Tags?
- Rollyo is another thing I can see great uses for -- the creation of subject specific search engines (only problem keeping them updated!) All time and practice, no doubt.
PS Does anyone actually read these posts? It's very boring when there are no comments!
In answer to your question- yes, I read all the new posts but unfortunately I don't have time to comment on them all. I'm sorry if you have felt overlooked! :)
I will attempt to be more diligent in the future- keep up the good work!
Who are you accusing of not having a life Michael??
With Library Thing, you can choose from 82 extra sources including Libraries Australia, or do original cataloguing.
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